måndag 30 april 2012

Ohayou! Minna!

Hello my dear readers~
I did'nt sleep a lot last night ;__;
Me and Fisken [Sakanaaa] stayed up almost all night playing Draw Someting, Wordfeud and KawaiiMEGU >w<;
We ate looooooots of cookies I can tell!~
Haha, we're going to get fat o n o *sigh*
 But yeah! I'm having the worse stomach ache right now D: It huuuurst ;__;
This is just a quick Update so don't expect much of this post.
So bye!
Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake 

söndag 29 april 2012

Hello fluffy people out there!
I'm sorry for not blogging
But I just dont know what to talk about :< Because I'm not so creative when It comes to this ;__;
This Friday I ordered some stuff, from Kawaiigoods and Etsy c:
I ordered
It will probobly arrive in a week I hope.
Or I'll get sad ;__; Because I want my stuff, now o n o
And at the moment I am with Fisken [Sakanaaa] We're having a sleepover, Yaay! And tomorrow we're going to watch the Majbrasa with Erika, >w<; It's going to be soooo cosily >w<; Just sitting beside the fire and chilling ♪

I also made a ''Sales'' album on facebook, Because I need money! And on Tuesday I'm going to Knivsta and Uppsala to give some stuff to some of my friends that wanted to buy stuff from me!
And that means that I finally can order this! [look under this meaning]

But bye


torsdag 19 april 2012

Tsukema Tsukeru~

Hey my fluffy unicorns!
I have'nt blogged in a while yes I know ;__;
But I don't have so much time for it, and I get stressed to think about the blog all the time
Sad but true ;__; So I wont blog so much..But when I get my MacBook from my school I'll probobly become much more active, and take more photos ^^;
Yep, Today I was with Erika, we were going to different places and shopping ^^
It was kinda fun ;U; I met Frida and Lillen >w<;
And then I saw Oliver but he does'nt know who I am so I did'nt say Hi ;__;
He'd think I'm stalker D:> *sigh*

But I got to go now!


söndag 15 april 2012

Daijoubu ka? だいじょうぶ か?

Watashi wa totemo genki desu! わたし わ とても げんき です!

Today I'm not going to do anything, Just relax. At first I wanted to go to Fisken and Negi-san, But I'm waaay to tired now. ლ(??

So I'm just going to practise to draw better (´・ω・`)

I'll post pictures of my drawings later!
Some inspirational drawings!!
[all theese drawing belongs to their rightful owners]

// Elle Fluffypancake

lördag 14 april 2012


Hey minna!
Booring weather today, Snooow everywhere ;__; I began to think it would be summer ;__; But no, stupid snow ;__;
But anyways, I had a really good day with Negi-san and Fisken c: <3
Love you guys! ♪ ◕ ◡ ◕ ❤
Right now I'm sitting in my bed, eating Cream Cheese Chips and chatting with friends on facebook c: Nicenice yes!

[1 day old picture] (◕‿◕✿)

Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake

fredag 13 april 2012

Here's my number, so call me maybe~

Hello my fluffy marschmallows!
Today I was with Negi-san! We had lots of fun, He played guitar for me! He's so cuuute >w<;
And we played Skyrim c: Yaay~ I already miss him...:(
After that me and my family went to see The Hunger Games at the Cinema, but before we watched it we ate dinner, I ate sushi!!
Miso soup, oishii! <3
Then we saw The Hunger Games, That movie was really good *u*
I cried alot I can tell o3o
And tomorrow I'm going to be with Fabian, Can't wait!! I've missed him like sooooooooooooo much O_O'' ❤
And I'm not going to post a picture of me right now. I look like a dead horse. Sooo tired~
// Elle Fluffypancake

torsdag 12 april 2012

Na na na naaaa~

Hello everyone!
I just came back home, I was shopping with my friend! She bought a gift to her friend c:
And I did'nt buy anything because I did'nt have any money, uguu ;__;
And then we ate at McDonalds, she payed .__.
I feel bad for all of my friend, they're always paying my stuff because I never have any money ;__;

I'm listening to the song below this meaning right now:
Ne ne ne nee, ne, chotto ii?
Isogashii nara, gomen~
I just love that song! It's so cute and waaah, Rin is so pretty! ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

But Bye!

Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake (^_-)☆wink

onsdag 11 april 2012

Me today~


Bulletproof roulette..

Argghh, I'm addicted to Seremedy O_O'' I just keep hearing their songs inside my head
ガ━━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━━ン!! ¨

Burubuuruuu ;A;
❤I love Seremedy❤Yohio❤Seike❤Ray❤Jenziih❤Linder❤
*epic fangirl moment*
They hade a concert att UppCon last year, but at that time I did'nt like them _| ̄|○
Uguuu ;__;
 I was a stupid person, yesyes I was.

Look at Seikes beauty *u*
Too much cuteness!! Gah!!
And as you can see Seike and Yohio is my favourite band members of Seremedy!

I have'nt gotten dressed yet so I'm not going to post a picture of me right now
 But I'll do that later!! Promise!! (*^^)^*) ☆Chu!!

ByeBye Minna san!!
Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake


tisdag 10 april 2012

The world is mine~

Today I went to the library with おとうと.
I borrowed 2 Chinese books, because in my new school I'm going to study chinese. And I'm not so good at it so I'm going to learn the basics before Easter Holidays is over!
And when we were on our way home we took the wrong bus :( *sadpie*
And also, yesterday I entered the facebook group ''Decora''s Crossdressing competition!
This is the photo I took!!
I hope you like't ♪ ❤
Hihi~ >‿‿◕
Anyways, here's a picture of me today!!
I'm wearing my suuuper comfy bear thingie!! (◕‿◕✿)

Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake (*^▽^*)

måndag 9 april 2012

Kozue Aikawa [あいかわ こずえ]

I'm trying to learn the dance Mune Mune Kyun (It's a japanese Maid dance) The dance is to be honest very easy, atleast that's what I think, and I'm not so good at dancing AwA
I'm also looking at the Youtube dancer Kozue Aikawa:s videos, She's really good at dancing *o*

Oh lord, how can someone be so good at dancing O_O''

Offers an old picture of me.

Mata ne~!
Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake ♪

lördag 7 april 2012

Rottara rottara ~

Sorry for ignoring the blog today ;__;
Gomen, gomen m(-__-)m

Today I got filmed to the Uppcon movie thingie, It was really fun as I thought! I got a really cute hat from them also ^w^;
kawaii hat!! xD
My mum got really worried because the ones that filmed me was 18-20 years old ;_; She thought they were pedophiles or something, uguu.
But It was really fun filming anyways! >u<;

And today It's Easter Evening!! I gave Sepideh a Easter Egg!! c8
And I got a Easter Egg from Sepideh, It was a Hello Kitty Egg, full with Hello Kitty candy >w<; Yatta~
I also got one from my family.


Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake

torsdag 5 april 2012


Yay! It's easter holiday now, finally ^u^
In school today I could'nt do so much because I did'nt have any material ;__;
Hehe 83
I got my english-history today, I got my grades today, I got 3Cs and 2As
I'm not sure if you undestood that O_O''
But anyways, On Saturday I'm going to Uppsala and get filmed/photographed! Because It's for a convention, Uppcon, and they're going to make a inauguration-video and they wanted people to help them with it^^ It's going to be soo funny!! \(^O^;)/
And also the 26th-29th July I'm probobly going to enter the Japanese Fashion Show at Närcon! [a convention in Linköping] ^^; I know, It's a very long time until then but who cares ^o^;

And I have to clean my room ;A;
Shit just got serious:
*badum tsss*
But I'm going to clean up the mess now so..
Mata ne!
Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake >‿‿◕

onsdag 4 april 2012


                                                                ☆*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*☆
Konnichiwa Minna san!!
I got this super cute Happy Easter card from Elenur
Sooo kawaii *u* Thank you Chummy-chan <3
Nyaaan Nyaaan Chuu ~
It's Easter Holiday tomorrow!! Yatta, finally some time to be with friends!! (≧▽≦)

Meee 8D

Bye Bye
Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake(((o(❤▽❤)o)))

tisdag 3 april 2012

Sushii >u<;

Today I was with Sepideh in Centruuum, we ate sushi 8D It was delicious, Oishii ^u^;
It was the first time for her eating sushi and she liked it! Yatta~
She also bought some stuff, A t-shirt, earphones, nutella and cookies :D
We're actually eating the cookies right now, *fatties* <:

Lawlfactory on youtube has a Fairy Kei give-away right now!

I think you guys should enter, I've already entered, Ganbarimashou, nee~? ~*♥*~

Chu Chu
// Elle Fluffypancake >‿‿◕      

måndag 2 april 2012


We got 1 hug </3
From my friend Mia. Everyone else ignored us ;__;
And it was some stupid meanies that said stupid things to me and Erika, they were very annoying I just wanted to slap them in their face. *un kawaii mode activated*
And also I'm going to answer this little cute commment that I got
Answer: That's sooo sweet of you!! ども ありがとう ごおざいます!! (*^3^)/~☆
I know, such a looong answer. And I know I'm not supposed to answer comments here but I'm so badass so I do >:3

Booring picture, Gomen ;A;
So..It's just 3 days until Easter Holiday! Yatta~ I'm going to spend it with my tomodachis and eat alot of candy! *u* And after Easter Holiday I'm going to switch school to Sandbergska-skolan, I'm very pleased because to school that I'm in now is really..not good </3
Hihi >w<;

Bye Bye
Chu Chu // Elle Fluffypancake (´・ω・`)


I'm sitting in da sofa with Erika, lol xD
We're listening to a japanese Maid song, It's called Hapi Hapi Morningu >w<;
Hooontoo ni kawaii *u* MY EYEES D:> too much cuteness </3
Woopwoop, Soon we're going to Väsby Centrum with a Free Hugs sign, not because we're going to get any hugs beause Väsby is a booring city full of mean people that hates people like..Me ;__;

Some pictures of us >u<;


また ね!!
Chu chu // Elle Fluffypancake ヽ(^。^)ノ

söndag 1 april 2012


I'm sorry for not blogging, but I don't know what to blog about and I can't take pictures with my phone because it's broken, uguu stupid.
But when It works I'll probobly become more active, Yatta~
When I was on the bus on my way to Väsby Station I saw Mio!! She's a really pretty gyaru! But I forgot to say Hello. ;__;
I had a very good time at the Meet up >w<; I already miss everyone D:>
I took the train home at 8.43 pm. c:

But I'm going to sleep now,
Don't hate me because I'm booring and not posting any pictures in this post. :(//¨

Oyasuminasai Minna-san [-_-]zzZZ
Chu chu
// Elle Fluffypancake


My Melody Kawaii